
半兽人 发表于: 2020-10-20   最后更新时间: 2020-10-20 21:28:37  
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Triton SD正在测试中:在将来的版本中配置可能会有实质性的变化

Triton SD配置允许从容器监控发现端点的目标中检索和获取。


  • __meta_triton_machine_id: 目标容器的UUID
  • __meta_triton_machine_alias: 目标容器的别名
  • __meta_triton_machine_image: 目标容器的镜像类型
  • __meta_triton_machine_server_id: 目标容器的服务UUID
# The information to access the Triton discovery API.

# The account to use for discovering new target containers.
account: <string>

# The DNS suffix which should be applied to target containers.
dns_suffix: <string>

# The Triton discovery endpoint (e.g. ''). This is
# often the same value as dns_suffix.
endpoint: <string>

# The port to use for discovery and metric scraping.
[ port: <int> | default = 9163 ]

# The interval which should should be used for refreshing target containers.
[ refresh_interval: <duration> | default = 60s ]

# The Triton discovery API version.
[ version: <int> | default = 1 ]

# TLS configuration.
  [ <tls_config> ]
更新于 2020-10-20
