要通过不同的语言调用Kubernetes API,可以使用客户端库。 官方支持客户端库有:
- kubectl - Main CLI tool for running commands and managing Kubernetes clusters.
- JSONPath - Syntax guide for using JSONPath expressions with kubectl.
- kubeadm - CLI tool to easily provision a secure Kubernetes cluster.
- kubefed - CLI tool to help you administrate your federated clusters.
- kubelet - The primary node agent that runs on each node. The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs and ensures that the described containers are running and healthy.
- kube-apiserver - REST API that validates and configures data for API objects such as pods, services, replication controllers.
- kube-controller-manager - Daemon that embeds the core control loops shipped with Kubernetes.
- kube-proxy - Can do simple TCP/UDP stream forwarding or round-robin TCP/UDP forwarding across a set of back-ends.
- kube-scheduler - Scheduler that manages availability, performance, and capacity.
An archive of the design docs for Kubernetes functionality. Good starting points are Kubernetes Architecture and Kubernetes Design Overview.