Bootstrap5 弹出框(Popovers)

半兽人 发表于: 2020-07-14   最后更新时间: 2021-11-05 23:12:02  
{{totalSubscript}} 订阅, 4,215 游览

例子: 启用弹出式菜单


var popoverTriggerList = []'[data-toggle="popover"]'))
var popoverList = (popoverTriggerEl) {
  return new bootstrap.Popover(popoverTriggerEl)

例子:使用 container选项


var popover = new bootstrap.Popover(document.querySelector('.example-popover'), {
  container: 'body'


<button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" data-bs-toggle="popover" title="Popover title" data-bs-content="And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?">Click to toggle popover</button>




<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-content="Top popover">
  Popover on top
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="right" data-bs-content="Right popover">
  Popover on right
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="bottom" data-bs-content="Bottom popover">
  Popover on bottom
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-container="body" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-placement="left" data-bs-content="Left popover">
  Popover on left






<a tabindex="0" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" role="button" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-trigger="focus" title="Dismissible popover" data-bs-content="And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?">Dismissible popover</a>
var popover = new bootstrap.Popover(document.querySelector('.popover-dismiss'), {
  trigger: 'focus'




对于禁用的弹出式窗口触发器,你也可以选择data-bs-trigger="hover focus",这样弹出式窗口就会作为即时的视觉反馈出现在你的用户面前,因为用户可能不会想到会点击一个禁用的元素。

<span class="d-inline-block" tabindex="0" data-bs-toggle="popover" data-bs-trigger="hover focus" data-bs-content="Disabled popover">
  <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" disabled>Disabled button</button>



通过 JavaScript 启用弹出框:

var exampleEl = document.getElementById('example')
var popover = new bootstrap.Popover(exampleEl, options)

Making popovers work for keyboard and assistive technology users

To allow keyboard users to activate your popovers, you should only add them to HTML elements that are traditionally keyboard-focusable and interactive (such as links or form controls). Although arbitrary HTML elements (such as <span>s) can be made focusable by adding the tabindex="0" attribute, this will add potentially annoying and confusing tab stops on non-interactive elements for keyboard users, and most assistive technologies currently do not announce the popover’s content in this situation. Additionally, do not rely solely on hover as the trigger for your popovers, as this will make them impossible to trigger for keyboard users.

While you can insert rich, structured HTML in popovers with the html option, we strongly recommend that you avoid adding an excessive amount of content. The way popovers currently work is that, once displayed, their content is tied to the trigger element with the aria-describedby attribute. As a result, the entirety of the popover’s content will be announced to assistive technology users as one long, uninterrupted stream.

Additionally, while it is possible to also include interactive controls (such as form elements or links) in your popover (by adding these elements to the allowList of allowed attributes and tags), be aware that currently the popover does not manage keyboard focus order. When a keyboard user opens a popover, focus remains on the triggering element, and as the popover usually does not immediately follow the trigger in the document’s structure, there is no guarantee that moving forward/pressing TAB will move a keyboard user into the popover itself. In short, simply adding interactive controls to a popover is likely to make these controls unreachable/unusable for keyboard users and users of assistive technologies, or at the very least make for an illogical overall focus order. In these cases, consider using a modal dialog instead.

更新于 2021-11-05
