
lq0317。 发表于: 2020-08-11   最后更新时间: 2020-08-11 23:08:01   2,181 游览
发表于 2020-08-11


半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前
[root@prd-kafka-01 opt]# /usr/hdp/ --describe --zookeeper --topic ods_be_monitor_item_detail
Topic:ods_be_monitor_item_detail        PartitionCount:15       ReplicationFactor:3     Configs:retention.ms=172800000
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 0    Leader: 1006    Replicas: 1006,1005,1008        Isr: 1006,1005,1008
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 1    Leader: 1008    Replicas: 1008,1006,1009,1005   Isr: 1008,1006,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 2    Leader: 1005    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008,1010,1009      Isr: 1005,1008,1006
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 3    Leader: 1006    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008,1010,1009      Isr: 1006,1008,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 4    Leader: 1008    Replicas: 1005,1010,1006,1008   Isr: 1008,1006,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 5    Leader: 1005    Replicas: 1006,1008,1009,1005   Isr: 1005,1008,1006
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 6    Leader: 1006    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008,1010,1009      Isr: 1006,1008,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 7    Leader: 1008    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008,1010,1009      Isr: 1008,1006,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 8    Leader: 1005    Replicas: 1010,1005,1006,1008   Isr: 1005,1008,1006
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 9    Leader: 1006    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008        Isr: 1006,1005,1008
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 10   Leader: 1008    Replicas: 1005,1006,1008,1010,1009      Isr: 1008,1006,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 11   Leader: 1005    Replicas: 1008,1010,1005,1006   Isr: 1005,1008,1006
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 12   Leader: 1006    Replicas: 1009,1005,1006,1008   Isr: 1006,1008,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 13   Leader: 1008    Replicas: 1010,1006,1008,1005   Isr: 1008,1006,1005
        Topic: ods_be_monitor_item_detail       Partition: 14   Leader: 1005    Replicas: 1005,1008,1009,1006   Isr: 1005,1008,1006
lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前
[root@prd-kafka-01 opt]# /usr/hdp/ --zookeeper --reassignment-json-file expand-cluster-ods-be-reassignment.json --verify
Status of partition reassignment: 
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,8] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,9] completed successfully
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,6] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,14] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,5] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,11] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,13] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,3] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,2] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,4] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,1] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,10] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,12] is still in progress
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,0] completed successfully
Reassignment of partition [ods_be_monitor_item_detail,7] is still in progress



半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前
[2020-08-14 17:39:01,727] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 572 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-12 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:39:01,877] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 578 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-2 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:39:01,928] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 583 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-7 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:39:02,079] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 589 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-12 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:39:02,129] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 594 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-2 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:40:06,193] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 601 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-7 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2020-08-14 17:40:06,295] INFO [KafkaApi-1009] Closing connection due to error during produce request with correlation id 608 from client id producer-1 with ack=0
Topic and partition to exceptions: pshop_sell_status_topic-12 -> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前
[2020-08-14 18:21:58,656] ERROR [KafkaApi-1009] Error when handling request {controller_id=1005,controller_epoch=22,partition_states=[{topic=monitor_shop_selltime_status_v3,partition=2,controller_epoch=22,leader=1005,leader_epoch=2,isr=[1005,1006,1008],zk_version=13,replicas=[1005,1006,1008,1010,1009]}],live_leaders=[{id=1005,host=kafka1.sh-internal.com,port=6667}]} (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
java.io.IOException: Malformed line in offset checkpoint file: pshop sell status topic 7 0'
        at kafka.server.OffsetCheckpoint.malformedLineException$1(OffsetCheckpoint.scala:81)
        at kafka.server.OffsetCheckpoint.liftedTree2$1(OffsetCheckpoint.scala:104)
lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前

pshop sell status topic 中间有空格

lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前

recovery-point-offset-checkpoint replication-offset-checkpoint 这两个文件一直会有pshop sell status topic 这个信息 删了文件重启也不行,现在该怎么解决,线上的很着急,麻烦回复下

半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前

[root@prd-kafka-01 kafka]# find ./libs/ -name *kafka_* | head -1 | grep -o '\kafka[^\n]*'

lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> lq0317。 4年前


半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前
[2020-08-15 00:17:37,087] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 307489432 in log raw_shop_business_detail-2. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:37,709] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76574100245 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-7. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:39,330] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76634617423 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-11. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:39,730] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76885515852 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-0. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:44,113] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 307582694 in log raw_shop_business_detail-2. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:46,124] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76635155355 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-11. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:48,664] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76574648701 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-7. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:48,928] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76886065583 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-0. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:50,801] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 307675968 in log raw_shop_business_detail-2. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:52,978] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76635693417 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-11. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:57,688] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76886609961 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-0. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:57,825] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 307770638 in log raw_shop_business_detail-2. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:59,792] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76636232706 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-11. (kafka.log.Log)
[2020-08-15 00:17:59,811] INFO Recovering unflushed segment 76575198496 in log ods_eleme_monitor_item_detail-7. (kafka.log.Log)
半兽人 -> lq0317。 4年前


lq0317。 -> 半兽人 4年前


