helm报 unable to do port forwarding: socat not found.

雪花 发表于: 2019-10-25   最后更新时间: 2019-10-25 19:56:52   5,286 游览

我执行helm list时,报以下错误:

E1025 17:07:53.247846 3055199 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 43346 -> 44134: error forwarding port 44134 to pod 2c9f2b75610f05ab343c1f4003533832f07588ebd936ad0c72185745bc0944c2, uid : unable to do port forwarding: socat not found.
E1025 17:07:54.256764 3055199 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 43346 -> 44134: error forwarding port 44134 to pod 2c9f2b75610f05ab343c1f4003533832f07588ebd936ad0c72185745bc0944c2, uid : unable to do port forwarding: socat not found.


发表于 2019-10-25


yum install -y socat
