Kubernetes(k8s) v1.25.6版本上线发布说明

半兽人 发表于: 2023-02-02   最后更新时间: 2025-02-06 10:23:50  
{{totalSubscript}} 订阅, 179 游览

2023年1月19号,v1.25.6 使用 Golang 版本 1.19.5 构建并推送。


以下是自Kubernetes(k8s) v1.25.5以来的变更日志。


  • Kubernetes 现在使用 Go 1.19.5 构建

Bug 或 回归

  • Client-go: fixes potential data races retrying requests using a custom io.Reader body; with this fix, only requests with no body or with string / []byte / runtime.Object bodies can be retried
  • Do not include preemptor pod metadata in the event message
  • Failed pods associated with a job with parallelism = 1 are recreated by the job controller honoring exponential backoff delay again. However, for jobs with parallelism > 1, pods might be created without exponential backoff delay.
  • Fix a regression that the scheduler always goes through all Filter plugins.
  • Fix bug in CRD Validation Rules (beta) and ValidatingAdmissionPolicy (alpha) where all admission requests could result in internal error: runtime error: index out of range [3] with length 3 evaluating rule: <rule name> under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed DaemonSet to update the status even if it fails to create a pod.
  • Fixing issue in Winkernel Proxier - Unexpected active TCP connection drops while horizontally scaling the endpoints for a LoadBalancer Service with External Traffic Policy: Local
  • Fixing issue with Winkernel Proxier - No ingress load balancer rules with endpoints to support load balancing when all the endpoints are terminating.
  • Kubelet: make the image pull time more accurate in event
  • Optimizing loadbalancer creation with the help of attribute Internal Traffic Policy: Local
  • 将 system-validators 库更新到 v1.8.0。



Nothing has changed.


  • github.com/google/cel-go: v0.12.5 → v0.12.6
  • k8s.io/system-validators: v1.7.0 → v1.8.0
  • sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client: v0.0.33 → v0.0.35


Nothing has changed.



更新于 2025-02-06
